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Common Myths And Misconceptions About Weight Loss Surgery And Sleeve Gastrectomy In Mumbai

Common Myths And Misconceptions About Weight Loss Surgery And Sleeve Gastrectomy In Mumbai

Weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in Mumbai, where the prevalence of obesity is high. Sleeve gastrectomy is one of the most commonly performed bariatric procedures in Mumbai. However, despite its effectiveness in treating obesity, there are still many myths and misconceptions about weight loss surgery and sleeve gastrectomy in Mumbai.

Myth #1: Weight loss surgery is a quick fix

One of the biggest misconceptions about weight loss surgery, including sleeve gastrectomy, is that it is a quick fix for obesity. However, this is far from the truth. Weight loss surgery is not a magic pill that will make all your weight problems disappear overnight. It requires commitment, dedication, and lifestyle changes to achieve long-term weight loss goals.

Weight loss surgery is a tool that helps patients lose weight by limiting the amount of food they can eat, but it is not a magical cure for obesity. Patients still need to follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and adopt a healthy lifestyle to maintain their weight loss after surgery.

Myth #2: Weight loss surgery is only for people who are extremely overweight

Another common misconception about weight loss surgery is that it is only for people who are extremely overweight or obese. However, this is not true. Weight loss surgery is recommended for people with a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or higher, or a BMI of 30 or higher with obesity-related health problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea.

Weight loss surgery can also be an option for people who have tried other weight loss methods, such as diet and exercise, but have not been successful in achieving long-term weight loss.

Myth #3: Weight loss surgery is risky and unsafe

Many people are hesitant to undergo weight loss surgery because of the perceived risks and safety concerns. However, weight loss surgery is a safe and effective procedure when performed by an experienced and qualified bariatric surgeon.

Like any surgery, weight loss surgery does come with some risks, such as bleeding, staple line leakage, infection, and blood clots. However, the risk of complications is low when the surgery is performed by a skilled bariatric surgeon and the patient follows the recommended pre and post-operative guidelines.

Myth #4: Weight loss surgery is expensive

Another common myth about weight loss surgery is that it is expensive and only available to the wealthy. While weight loss surgery can be costly, it is now often covered by health insurance, especially for people who have obesity-related health problems.

In addition, the long-term health benefits of weight loss surgery can outweigh the cost, as it can help reduce the risk of obesity-related health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Myth #5: Sleeve gastrectomy is a new and untested procedure

Sleeve gastrectomy is one of the most commonly performed weight loss surgeries in Mumbai. However, there are still misconceptions about its safety and effectiveness.

Sleeve gastrectomy is not a new procedure, and it has been performed for over 25 years with excellent results. It is a safe and effective weight loss surgery that can help patients achieve significant weight loss and improve their overall health.

Myth #6: Weight loss surgery is a cosmetic procedure

Many people mistakenly believe that weight loss surgery is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve a person’s appearance. However, weight loss surgery is a medical procedure that is performed to treat obesity and obesity-related health problems.

While weight loss surgery can improve a person’s physical appearance, its primary goal is to help patients achieve long-term weight loss and improve their health.

Myth #7: Weight loss surgery is a one-size-fits-all solution

Another common misconception about weight loss surgery is that it is a one-size-fits-all solution. Weight loss surgery is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Different types of weight loss surgeries, such as sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, and adjustable gastric banding, have different risks and benefits. The choice of surgery depends on several factors, including the patient’s medical history, lifestyle, and weight loss goals.

An experienced bariatric surgeon will evaluate each patient individually and recommend the most appropriate type of weight loss surgery based on their unique circumstances.

Myth #8: Weight loss surgery is a failure if the patient regains weight

Another misconception about weight loss surgery is that it is a failure if the patient regains weight after the surgery. However, weight regain is not uncommon after weight loss surgery, and it does not mean that the surgery was a failure.

Weight loss surgery is a tool that helps patients lose weight, but it is also necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow the recommended post-operative guidelines to prevent weight regain. If a patient does regain weight, they can work with their bariatric team to identify the underlying causes and make the necessary adjustments to their diet and exercise routine. In certain cases, weight loss medications may be used as an adjunct.

Myth #9: Weight loss surgery is a painful and uncomfortable procedure

Many people are afraid of undergoing weight loss surgery because they believe it is a painful and uncomfortable procedure. However, advances in surgical techniques and anesthesia have made weight loss surgery a relatively less painful and comfortable procedure.

Patients are typically given general anesthesia during the surgery, which means they are asleep and do not feel any pain. After the surgery, patients may experience some discomfort, but it can be managed with pain medication and other measures, such as rest. The laparoscopic technique leads to a much faster recovery.

Myth #10: Weight loss surgery is not covered by insurance

Another common myth about weight loss surgery is that it is not covered by insurance. However, many health insurance plans now cover weight loss surgery for patients who meet certain criteria, such as having a BMI of 40 or higher, or a BMI of 35 or higher with obesity-related health problems. Every insurance provider will also have certain specifications about the waiting period which usually ranges from 3 to 4 years from the inception of the policy.

Patients need to check with their insurance provider to see if weight loss surgery is covered and what the requirements are. In addition, many bariatric surgery centers offer financing options and payment plans to make weight loss surgery more affordable for patients.

In conclusion, weight loss surgery, including sleeve gastrectomy, is an effective tool for treating obesity and improving overall health. However, there are still many myths and misconceptions about weight loss surgery in Mumbai. Patients need to educate themselves and consult with an experienced bariatric surgeon to make an informed decision about whether weight loss surgery is the right choice for them.


Yes, you will be able to eat normally, but your portion sizes will be smaller than before. You will need to make healthy food choices and eat slowly and mindfully to ensure that you don't overeat or stretch your stomach pouch. You will need to avoid sugary foods and simple carbs in general.
Weight loss is a gradual process after bariatric surgery and it usually takes about 12 to 16 months. Weight loss is the fastest in the first 6 months after the surgery. After that, it tends to slow down. Amount of weight you lose will depend on various factors such as your starting weight, the severity of the disease, the type of surgery you have, and your commitment to following a healthy lifestyle.
There is a risk of regaining weight after surgery, but this can be prevented by following a healthy diet and exercise routine, maintaining a good follow-up, and attending support groups regularly. It's important to remember that weight loss surgery is a tool to help you lose weight, and you need to use this tool wisely to achieve long-term success.
Weight loss surgery is typically done under general anesthesia, so you won't feel any pain during the procedure. After the surgery, you may experience some pain and discomfort, but this can be managed with pain medication.
Sleeve gastrectomy is usually done laparoscopically, which means that you will have small incisions (less than 1 cm) that will heal quickly and leave minimal scarring.
Yes, sleeve gastrectomy can be a good option for people with diabetes or high blood pressure as it can help improve these conditions. However, you should consult with your doctor to determine if you are a good candidate for the surgery.
Weight loss surgery may be covered by insurance in some cases, but this depends on your insurance plan and the specific details of your case. It's important to check with your insurance provider to see what is covered and what isn't.

About Dr. Aparna Govil Bhasker

Dr. Aparna Govil Bhasker is an accomplished Bariatric Surgeon and Laparoscopic GI Surgeon. Extremely passionate about her field of specialization. She completed her MBBS and MS in General Surgery in 2006, from Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (MGIMS), Sewagram. Set up in 1967 by none other than the first health minister of India, Ms. Sushila Nayar, MGIMS is deeply rooted in Gandhian ethics.
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